Wednesday 30 October 2013

Social Background of the kanthapura

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 4. Indian Writing In English
Sem :- 1
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- Social Background of  the novel                           "Kanthapura"

Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.

  • Social Background of “ Kanthapura”

·       About  Raja Rao
·       Introduction of the novel ” Kanthapura”
·       Social background of Indian villages
·       Social background of “Kanthapura”

  • Raja Rao :-

Raja Rao was an Indian writer and English language of short stories and novels. And he worked a lot deeply in Hinduism.

  • Introduction of the novel “Kanthapura” :-

      “Kanthapura” is a famous novel about south Indian village is written by a famous Indian writer “Raja Rao”. Here Kanthapura is only an imagination by Raja Rao .In this novel there is description about situation of the village during the time of 1930 before freedom.
This novel is divided in three different parts like :-

1.           Social
2.         Political
3.         Religious

“ Kanthapura” novel is related with mythology and freedom fighting movement during this time. People’s mind during this time is the main theme of the novel “Kanthapura”. At the starting point in Kanthapura the narrator “ Achakka” is telling about village and she uses her real village language in that. In political matter there is a freedom fighting movement from Gandhiji is related by “Moorthy”. People of Kanthapura belived that Moorthy is a second Gandhi.

In religious matter there is a description of people’s orthodox mind, their languages,festivals and also in different many God and Goddess. After the freedom movement there is a transformation of village and it become “Kashipura” from “Kanthapura”.

  • Social background of Indian villages :-

Social background of Indian villages is a reflection of Kanthapura. From the imaginative novel Kanthapura Raja Rao shows us reality of Indian villages. There are many descriptions about Indian Society.
v  Believe in God and Goddess :- people of India believe in 36,0000000 God and Goddess but they have no idea about any of 36. This is a main critical note on them.
v People of Indian village are very Orthodox.
v  They believed in mythology not in reality.
v  People of India are very superstitious.
v There are no right for women and also no high position for women.
v As they are orthodox they don’t believe in “ Education”, specially for girls. So they all become illiterate in society.
v Indian villages are very simple but very poor in a comparison of cities.

  • Social Background of the novel “ Kanthapura” :-

Social background of Kanthapura is related with many things.
*   Mythology
*  Poverty and Illiterate of people
*  Highly believed in  God and Goddess
*  Celebration of different festivals
*  No rights for women in society
*  Believed in Gandhism and Moorthy
As per the points people of Kanthapura are believed in Myth , not in reality and they have not their own ideas because of their illitrateness. They all celebrated many festivals like “Dusshera” , “ Kartika Purnima” , “Ganesha jayanti” etc.

The main theme of social background is “ believe in Goddess” like “Kenchamma”.
People of Kanthapura are believed in Kenchamma as their Goddess and have a great faith in them. People have their own ideas about Kenchamma that:-

  “ Kechamma is our goddess. Kenchamma came from Heavens.She fought so many nights that the blood soaked into the Earth , that is Kenchamma's hill is red".

 After that they also believed that Moorthy is second Gandhi and freedom movement.
People of Kanthapura also have no rights for women and they also believed in no education for specially for girls.

Thank  You **~~~~`

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