Wednesday 30 October 2013

A critical note on " Paradise lost" book IX

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 1. Renaissance Literature
Sem :- 1.
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- A critical note on “Paradise lost “ Book-IX
Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.
·       Points :-
·       About John Milton
·       Introduction of book “Paradise lost”
·       Characters
·       Short Summary of “Paradise lost”
·       Short summary of “Paradise lost book -IX”
·       Critical Comments on book IX


(1608 – 1674)
John Milton was born on December, 9 1608 in London, as a second child of John and Sara, John had repeated his name as his father’s name. Milton also to be taught classical languages by his father. In his school time he wanted to go into Ministry but he could not. That time he afforded his time to write poetry. He studied at Cambridge. Milton had proved his works during puritan age. He wrote many poems like “Cosmos”, “Lycidas”. At the end of the war, Milton was imprisoned and in 1660 he emerged blind. Though he write his greatest work. According to “paradise lost” we can see his genius work.
            Milton died in 1674 and buried in the church of London.

An introduction of book “Paradise lost “:-

“Justify the ways of god to man “Paradise lost “ is an epic poem in blank verse written by an English poet “John Milton” in 17th century. First this original poem published in 1667 in ten books after that in 1674 with a 10000 lines of verse, second edition published by him. The poem related with the “Biblical” story of the “Fall of Man”, the temptation of Adam and Eve by bad angle Satan in the Garden of Eden.

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Satan: - Satan is origin of Sin who have just fallen from Heaven by God. Satan is this poem’s antagonist. Satan’s role is very danger and tragic in this poem.

Adam: - Adam is along with his wife Eve in this poem. Adam is the first human created by God. He is very talented Man. Adam is also called the root of “Human being and families also”.

Eve: - The first woman and “Mother of world” and “Mother of mankind”, Eve is very weak character than Adam. Eve became a victim of the temptation of Satan and ate the fruit of knowledge. Eve is very beautiful and innocent also called “Daughter of God and Men” and “Off spring of Heaven and Earth”.

Short Summary of “Paradise lost”:-

This is a story of Paradise-Heaven. How Eve and Adam have to lose Paradise only because of Satan.
The epic starts from the scene of Hell, where all other fallen angles and Satan are making plan against God only because of their revenge against God. At that time by fallen angle Beelzebub’s suggestion and story of making new creation of God Eve and Adam, Satan decides to destroy God’s creation. With that decision he turns himself into a “serpent” and goes to the Garden of Eden. He starts to speak knowledgeable words to impress Eve and he does that. He also forces the innocent Eve to eat that “Fruit of Forbidden” to become talented and like Goddess. After the temptation from Satan she eats the fruit and also Adam eats that fruit and they become hostile to each other. That one mistake and temptation from Satan makes Eve and Adam a Human being of Earth by God’s punishment. And God also makes Satan a horrible monster in the end of epic.

“Paradise lost” Book- IX, Short summary:-

As a Climax of whole epic “Paradise lost”. Book IX is very important part of this epic. There are main dialogues between Eve and Satan in that book IX. Book IX has its own importance to prove Eve’s innocent nature V/S Satan’s evil nature. Here good V/S bad matter comes very interestingly.
 Book IX starts with the entrance scene of Satan in the Garden of Eden, turning himself into a “Serpent”. The following morning Eve and Adam both are busy in their daily works in the Garden. That time a little argument between them and Eve decides to work alone and Satan sees her beauty at that time when she is working alone. At a moment after seeing her beauty he forgets his revenge and evil nature. Then he remembers the purpose- to destroy the God’s creation.

He suddenly speaks some word like human being and tries to impress Eve, innocent Eve becomes a victim of his trick and impresses by Satan and asks him about that knowledge. Satan says about the “Fruit of Forbidden” and also says to eat that to become more knowledgeable like Goddess. After a long force and the temptation finally Eve eats that fruit and she also tells Adam to eat this fruit. In a opposite to God’s command both eat fruit and fall into a deep sleep. The matter here is not for LOVE but for LOST.
  “Paradise lost” is gone and its place becomes guilt, shame and blame. “Paradise “has ended, the Earth has begun.!

 Critical Comments on Book IX:-

*   The “Paradise lost” from Milton, a simple story from “Bible” but Milton wrote it in very deep and long way.
*  In that epic all basic views are related with Christian religion.
*   After learning the character of Eve, there is a matter of “Feminism” because there is injustice with Eve while the scene of punishment.
*   Why God has created the tree of knowledge if the fruit of knowledge is not for eat?
*  It is also big question in this epic.
*  Here Satan’s character is more powerful than Adam, so he is antagonist and Adam is Protagonist of this epic.
*  After creating Eve and Adam “God feels proud” is a satire.
*   In this epic Satan as a tragic, evil person also changed when he saw beauty of Eve. Sometimes beauty makes man mad, so Eve’s beauty is also powerful.
*  Some question’s answers are not given by Milton in this epic. So there is a limitation in the work of Milton.

Thank you :)

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