Wednesday 30 October 2013

Aristotle's six parts of tragedy

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 3. Literary Theory and Criticism
Sem :- 1.
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- Aristotle's six parts of Tragedy
Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.

Aristotle’s six parts of Tragedy.


Ø About Aristotle
Ø Idea about Tragedy, Tragic hero
Ø Six parts of Tragedy
1.    Plot
2.   Character
3.   Thought
4.   Diction
5.   Song / Melody
6.   Spectacle


Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and Polymath as a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander who was also great person.
Aristotle was born in Greece in 384 B.C. and died in Greece in 322 B.C. Aristotle founded his own school, the Lyceum in Athens where he spent most of his time in studying, teaching and writing. Aristotle was also good teacher. One of the main focuses of Aristotle’s philosophy was his Systematic concept of logic. Aristotle’s subject was come up with a universal ideas and process of reasoning it with a unique ability.
He also wrote on matter of Form. He published a book named “Metaphysics” on them. In that a unique idea of mind is given by him.

Idea about Tragedy:-    
 “  Tragedy , then is an imitation of an action that is serious, compete and a certain magnitude , in the language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament , the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play , in the form of action , not of narrative , through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation catharsis of these and similar emotions”
Very long definition of Tragedy shows many meanings of different words like “Imitation”, “Catharsis”, and “Action” show real theme of Tragedy.
An imitation means “copy”. Real idea about life represent here.
“Action” means incidents which words shows human activities, their thoughts and feelings in Tragedy.
Then in “Catharsis”, there is a matter of pity and fear.

The tragic hero:-

In tragedy Tragic hero is very important part and also clled ideal in tragedy. As a tragic main hero, he must have to select very serious dialogues in the tragedy.
Aristotle says that “a good tragedy depend on plot, action and also on tragic hero, main protagonist of the ply should have all the characteristics of a good character.

How was tragic hero?
A good man – coming to bad end
A bad man – coming to good end
A bad man – coming to a bad end
A good man – coming to a bad end
 According to Aristotle Tragic hero must have to be ideal and kind person of life neither too virtuous nor too wicked. He should be a man of mixed character, neither blameless nor depraved.

Six parts of Tragedy:-
2. Character
4. Diction
5. Song /Melody
6. Spectacle


“Plot is a soul of tragedy “

This lines show the importance of Plot in tragedy. Plot is the “first Principle” in tragedy, first step which is most important. Tragedy can imagine without character not without Plot. Plot is structure of tragedy and around which the materials parts are laid. Just as the soul is the structure of men.
Plot is divided in three parts.
1.   Beginning
2. Middle ( Climax )
3.  End
Beginning is related with introduction, in middle there is a turning point of any play and at last in the end shows morality of play. Plot is a “chain” among them three parts.
Plot must be “Complete”, “Simple”.
Plot must has three unities.
1.   Time
2.  Place
3.  Action
Plot must be of “a certain magnitude” and it has “an air of design”.
Plot must be complex also, simple plots have only a “change of fortune” but a complex plots have the things “reversal of intention”. Complex plot has knowledge to produce love or hate between the person destined for good and bad fortune.


 Character is also another important element of “Tragedy”. Character is that who performed as per his dialogues and role on the stage to represent the society.
Character must be “Moral able” and good also. Aristotle says that character is prior to action and there can be no action without character. Character is as important as action and other elements in Tragedy. In a perfect tragedy character will support plot through actions and incidents. Character is a chain of actions producing pity and fear in the audience.
“Even a woman may be good, and also a slave though the woman be said to be an inferior being, and the slave quite worthless”
Here is the description of “goodness” of character and good quality of tragedy. “True of life” is also an important theme in character. An idealization of character is a major personality of character.


Thought is the third an important element of tragedy.

“Where something is proved to be or not to be or a general maxim is enunciated “

A little thought appear the idea and personality of play, associated with how speeches should revel character.
Thought is related with someone’s “Imagination” and personal inner ideas of someone. If thought is positive and related with morality and new ideas of mind.


Diction is fourth element related with “the expression of the meaning in words”
Diction is a matter of an arrangement of words, dialogues and sequences.
 If some dialogues, words and sequences are coming properly throughout the character, image of tragedy also being good or proper.


Songs, melodies, choral odes, lyrically dialogues are another features of the Greek tragedy. Song is a thing related with enjoy and entertainment.
Sometimes there are also sad songs in play.

Ex. In “Hamlet” there is a sad song in the scene of Ophelia’s madness.
Aristotle says that song is related with musical rhythm and effect in tragedy or play.


 Spectacle is the last element of tragedy.
Spectacle is production of spectacular effects depends more an on the art of the stage.
Spectacle is good technique of presentation in drama. Tragedy is stage performance and connected with emotional attraction which recognize by spectacle.
Spectacle performs a role of “create a sense” not of the horror but only the monsters.

Thank you ... ***

1 comment:

  1. your assigment topic is good and it's my favourite topic. i like your font style.
