Wednesday 30 October 2013

Social Background of the kanthapura

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 4. Indian Writing In English
Sem :- 1
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- Social Background of  the novel                           "Kanthapura"

Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.

  • Social Background of “ Kanthapura”

·       About  Raja Rao
·       Introduction of the novel ” Kanthapura”
·       Social background of Indian villages
·       Social background of “Kanthapura”

  • Raja Rao :-

Raja Rao was an Indian writer and English language of short stories and novels. And he worked a lot deeply in Hinduism.

  • Introduction of the novel “Kanthapura” :-

      “Kanthapura” is a famous novel about south Indian village is written by a famous Indian writer “Raja Rao”. Here Kanthapura is only an imagination by Raja Rao .In this novel there is description about situation of the village during the time of 1930 before freedom.
This novel is divided in three different parts like :-

1.           Social
2.         Political
3.         Religious

“ Kanthapura” novel is related with mythology and freedom fighting movement during this time. People’s mind during this time is the main theme of the novel “Kanthapura”. At the starting point in Kanthapura the narrator “ Achakka” is telling about village and she uses her real village language in that. In political matter there is a freedom fighting movement from Gandhiji is related by “Moorthy”. People of Kanthapura belived that Moorthy is a second Gandhi.

In religious matter there is a description of people’s orthodox mind, their languages,festivals and also in different many God and Goddess. After the freedom movement there is a transformation of village and it become “Kashipura” from “Kanthapura”.

  • Social background of Indian villages :-

Social background of Indian villages is a reflection of Kanthapura. From the imaginative novel Kanthapura Raja Rao shows us reality of Indian villages. There are many descriptions about Indian Society.
v  Believe in God and Goddess :- people of India believe in 36,0000000 God and Goddess but they have no idea about any of 36. This is a main critical note on them.
v People of Indian village are very Orthodox.
v  They believed in mythology not in reality.
v  People of India are very superstitious.
v There are no right for women and also no high position for women.
v As they are orthodox they don’t believe in “ Education”, specially for girls. So they all become illiterate in society.
v Indian villages are very simple but very poor in a comparison of cities.

  • Social Background of the novel “ Kanthapura” :-

Social background of Kanthapura is related with many things.
*   Mythology
*  Poverty and Illiterate of people
*  Highly believed in  God and Goddess
*  Celebration of different festivals
*  No rights for women in society
*  Believed in Gandhism and Moorthy
As per the points people of Kanthapura are believed in Myth , not in reality and they have not their own ideas because of their illitrateness. They all celebrated many festivals like “Dusshera” , “ Kartika Purnima” , “Ganesha jayanti” etc.

The main theme of social background is “ believe in Goddess” like “Kenchamma”.
People of Kanthapura are believed in Kenchamma as their Goddess and have a great faith in them. People have their own ideas about Kenchamma that:-

  “ Kechamma is our goddess. Kenchamma came from Heavens.She fought so many nights that the blood soaked into the Earth , that is Kenchamma's hill is red".

 After that they also believed that Moorthy is second Gandhi and freedom movement.
People of Kanthapura also have no rights for women and they also believed in no education for specially for girls.

Thank  You **~~~~`

Aristotle's six parts of tragedy

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 3. Literary Theory and Criticism
Sem :- 1.
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- Aristotle's six parts of Tragedy
Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.

Aristotle’s six parts of Tragedy.


Ø About Aristotle
Ø Idea about Tragedy, Tragic hero
Ø Six parts of Tragedy
1.    Plot
2.   Character
3.   Thought
4.   Diction
5.   Song / Melody
6.   Spectacle


Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and Polymath as a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander who was also great person.
Aristotle was born in Greece in 384 B.C. and died in Greece in 322 B.C. Aristotle founded his own school, the Lyceum in Athens where he spent most of his time in studying, teaching and writing. Aristotle was also good teacher. One of the main focuses of Aristotle’s philosophy was his Systematic concept of logic. Aristotle’s subject was come up with a universal ideas and process of reasoning it with a unique ability.
He also wrote on matter of Form. He published a book named “Metaphysics” on them. In that a unique idea of mind is given by him.

Idea about Tragedy:-    
 “  Tragedy , then is an imitation of an action that is serious, compete and a certain magnitude , in the language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament , the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play , in the form of action , not of narrative , through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation catharsis of these and similar emotions”
Very long definition of Tragedy shows many meanings of different words like “Imitation”, “Catharsis”, and “Action” show real theme of Tragedy.
An imitation means “copy”. Real idea about life represent here.
“Action” means incidents which words shows human activities, their thoughts and feelings in Tragedy.
Then in “Catharsis”, there is a matter of pity and fear.

The tragic hero:-

In tragedy Tragic hero is very important part and also clled ideal in tragedy. As a tragic main hero, he must have to select very serious dialogues in the tragedy.
Aristotle says that “a good tragedy depend on plot, action and also on tragic hero, main protagonist of the ply should have all the characteristics of a good character.

How was tragic hero?
A good man – coming to bad end
A bad man – coming to good end
A bad man – coming to a bad end
A good man – coming to a bad end
 According to Aristotle Tragic hero must have to be ideal and kind person of life neither too virtuous nor too wicked. He should be a man of mixed character, neither blameless nor depraved.

Six parts of Tragedy:-
2. Character
4. Diction
5. Song /Melody
6. Spectacle


“Plot is a soul of tragedy “

This lines show the importance of Plot in tragedy. Plot is the “first Principle” in tragedy, first step which is most important. Tragedy can imagine without character not without Plot. Plot is structure of tragedy and around which the materials parts are laid. Just as the soul is the structure of men.
Plot is divided in three parts.
1.   Beginning
2. Middle ( Climax )
3.  End
Beginning is related with introduction, in middle there is a turning point of any play and at last in the end shows morality of play. Plot is a “chain” among them three parts.
Plot must be “Complete”, “Simple”.
Plot must has three unities.
1.   Time
2.  Place
3.  Action
Plot must be of “a certain magnitude” and it has “an air of design”.
Plot must be complex also, simple plots have only a “change of fortune” but a complex plots have the things “reversal of intention”. Complex plot has knowledge to produce love or hate between the person destined for good and bad fortune.


 Character is also another important element of “Tragedy”. Character is that who performed as per his dialogues and role on the stage to represent the society.
Character must be “Moral able” and good also. Aristotle says that character is prior to action and there can be no action without character. Character is as important as action and other elements in Tragedy. In a perfect tragedy character will support plot through actions and incidents. Character is a chain of actions producing pity and fear in the audience.
“Even a woman may be good, and also a slave though the woman be said to be an inferior being, and the slave quite worthless”
Here is the description of “goodness” of character and good quality of tragedy. “True of life” is also an important theme in character. An idealization of character is a major personality of character.


Thought is the third an important element of tragedy.

“Where something is proved to be or not to be or a general maxim is enunciated “

A little thought appear the idea and personality of play, associated with how speeches should revel character.
Thought is related with someone’s “Imagination” and personal inner ideas of someone. If thought is positive and related with morality and new ideas of mind.


Diction is fourth element related with “the expression of the meaning in words”
Diction is a matter of an arrangement of words, dialogues and sequences.
 If some dialogues, words and sequences are coming properly throughout the character, image of tragedy also being good or proper.


Songs, melodies, choral odes, lyrically dialogues are another features of the Greek tragedy. Song is a thing related with enjoy and entertainment.
Sometimes there are also sad songs in play.

Ex. In “Hamlet” there is a sad song in the scene of Ophelia’s madness.
Aristotle says that song is related with musical rhythm and effect in tragedy or play.


 Spectacle is the last element of tragedy.
Spectacle is production of spectacular effects depends more an on the art of the stage.
Spectacle is good technique of presentation in drama. Tragedy is stage performance and connected with emotional attraction which recognize by spectacle.
Spectacle performs a role of “create a sense” not of the horror but only the monsters.

Thank you ... ***

Crusoe treatment of Xury and Friday

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 2. The Neo-classical Literature
Sem :- 1
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- Crusoe treatment of Xury and Friday
Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.

  • Crusoe treatment of Xury and Friday :-

l   About Daniel Defoe
l  An introduction of Robinson Crusoe
l  Character - Robinson Crusoe ,Friday and Xury
l  Short plot overview of Robinson Crusoe
l  Relationship between Robinson and Xury
l  Relationship between Robinson and Friday

  •       Daniel Defoe :-

Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 in London. His father James Foe was a butcher and candle-maker. Daniel was not from high class family.
As a young boy Defoe often dreamed to be a minister but instead of that he went into commerce.
He wrote an enormous number of works,adventure stories and many of them published anonymously.
His books were very popular success,he died at the age of 70 , a poor man.

  • An introduction of Robinson Crusoe :

Robinson Crusoe an adventure novel published by Daniel Defoe in 1719. This story is related with Crusoe’s own adventure and incidents of life.

  • Character :-

Robinson Crusoe :-
As a main hero ,protagonist of this adventure novel , Robinson lived his "New life" from all kinds of experiences from world. First when the novel starts there is a description about his family background.As he was from middle class family and his father forced him to join Law but as per his interest in sea-voyage , he left his home and joined sea-voyage. After leaving the home his personal life started and he suffered a lot during all voyages.
Robinson was feeling less person, he never cared about his parents and also friends. We can also said that when he sold Xury for getting money. Crusoe was full of adventure also and became a good business man in business of sugar plantation in Brazil. As a protagonist he lived his life alone as he wanted in this novel.

Friday :-

Friday was belonged to the family of cannibals. He was 26 years old "Black" man. Friday was not like his father and also other cannibals. He taught English language from Crusoe and also turned himself into Christianity. In this novel Friday became a slave by Crusoe indirectly.

Xury :-

Xury was also non-white slave boy who met Crusoe at the coast of Africa. Here Xury became a slave only because of money. Then only for money Xury was sold by Crusoe.

  • Short Plot overview of Robinson Crusoe :-

The adventure novel "Robinson Crusoe" was divided in three parts.
1. Before the island
2. Life on the island
3. Escape from the island
Before the island :-

In that part there is a matter of early life of Crusoe when he was 8 years old and after that when his father forced him to join law, he left the home and went to the coast of Africa where he became a slave from them. Here he met with Xury who was also slave. Then after coming from that he started his own Sugar plantation business and earned more money and again started adventures in the sea.

Life on the island:-

   From part 1 , after breaking his ship and he collapsed to the one another island. Here he spend eleven years alone and realize his mistake to leave his home.  Here he found animals on the island like cats, parrots etc..

Escape from the island:-

Finally after eleven years he saw footprints of someone and he found a group of cannibals on that island. Life on the island is very dangerous for Crusoe now. Here he met 26 years old cannibal Friday, who gave name Friday from Crusoe. And he helped him a lot. Once coming an English longboat there and Crusoe helped its captain and he took Crusoe with him from this island. Now Crusoe again started his sugar plantation business and got married. After his wife's tragic death he again started sea adventures.

  • Relationship between Crusoe and Friday :-

Relationship between Crusoe and Friday is like a relationship between " father and son". As a cannibal boy Friday attached with Crusoe very much and believed a lot in Crusoe. Friday was 26 years old boy and he did all the things which Crusoe told him.

Friday - his name is given by Crusoe also. Friday also learned English language from Crusoe and as per Crusoe's command he changed himself into Christianity. Here their relationship is very deep but in a real manner Crusoe is "Master" and Friday is like a"Slave" here.  Double relationships are coming here . Father and Son, Master and Slave. Crusoe became Master slave on him.

  • Relationship between Crusoe and Xury :-

As a non-white man Xury is also slave boy from Africans. After leaving his home Crusoe trapped here as a slave and only more money made him free from slavery. So first on the voyage he never met Xury directly ,Xury tried a lot to talk with him but Crusoe never talked with him. After many days they became friends and Crusoe sold Xury only because of money, he wanted to be free from slavery.
Thus, relationship between Xury and Crusoe is very different in a comparison of Friday and Crusoe in this novel.

Thank you. ~~~~

A critical note on " Paradise lost" book IX

Name :- Zala Krutikadevi. D
Paper :- 1. Renaissance Literature
Sem :- 1.
Roll no:- 20
Topic :- A critical note on “Paradise lost “ Book-IX
Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi
                       Department of English
                       M.K. Bhavnagar University.
·       Points :-
·       About John Milton
·       Introduction of book “Paradise lost”
·       Characters
·       Short Summary of “Paradise lost”
·       Short summary of “Paradise lost book -IX”
·       Critical Comments on book IX


(1608 – 1674)
John Milton was born on December, 9 1608 in London, as a second child of John and Sara, John had repeated his name as his father’s name. Milton also to be taught classical languages by his father. In his school time he wanted to go into Ministry but he could not. That time he afforded his time to write poetry. He studied at Cambridge. Milton had proved his works during puritan age. He wrote many poems like “Cosmos”, “Lycidas”. At the end of the war, Milton was imprisoned and in 1660 he emerged blind. Though he write his greatest work. According to “paradise lost” we can see his genius work.
            Milton died in 1674 and buried in the church of London.

An introduction of book “Paradise lost “:-

“Justify the ways of god to man “Paradise lost “ is an epic poem in blank verse written by an English poet “John Milton” in 17th century. First this original poem published in 1667 in ten books after that in 1674 with a 10000 lines of verse, second edition published by him. The poem related with the “Biblical” story of the “Fall of Man”, the temptation of Adam and Eve by bad angle Satan in the Garden of Eden.

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Satan: - Satan is origin of Sin who have just fallen from Heaven by God. Satan is this poem’s antagonist. Satan’s role is very danger and tragic in this poem.

Adam: - Adam is along with his wife Eve in this poem. Adam is the first human created by God. He is very talented Man. Adam is also called the root of “Human being and families also”.

Eve: - The first woman and “Mother of world” and “Mother of mankind”, Eve is very weak character than Adam. Eve became a victim of the temptation of Satan and ate the fruit of knowledge. Eve is very beautiful and innocent also called “Daughter of God and Men” and “Off spring of Heaven and Earth”.

Short Summary of “Paradise lost”:-

This is a story of Paradise-Heaven. How Eve and Adam have to lose Paradise only because of Satan.
The epic starts from the scene of Hell, where all other fallen angles and Satan are making plan against God only because of their revenge against God. At that time by fallen angle Beelzebub’s suggestion and story of making new creation of God Eve and Adam, Satan decides to destroy God’s creation. With that decision he turns himself into a “serpent” and goes to the Garden of Eden. He starts to speak knowledgeable words to impress Eve and he does that. He also forces the innocent Eve to eat that “Fruit of Forbidden” to become talented and like Goddess. After the temptation from Satan she eats the fruit and also Adam eats that fruit and they become hostile to each other. That one mistake and temptation from Satan makes Eve and Adam a Human being of Earth by God’s punishment. And God also makes Satan a horrible monster in the end of epic.

“Paradise lost” Book- IX, Short summary:-

As a Climax of whole epic “Paradise lost”. Book IX is very important part of this epic. There are main dialogues between Eve and Satan in that book IX. Book IX has its own importance to prove Eve’s innocent nature V/S Satan’s evil nature. Here good V/S bad matter comes very interestingly.
 Book IX starts with the entrance scene of Satan in the Garden of Eden, turning himself into a “Serpent”. The following morning Eve and Adam both are busy in their daily works in the Garden. That time a little argument between them and Eve decides to work alone and Satan sees her beauty at that time when she is working alone. At a moment after seeing her beauty he forgets his revenge and evil nature. Then he remembers the purpose- to destroy the God’s creation.

He suddenly speaks some word like human being and tries to impress Eve, innocent Eve becomes a victim of his trick and impresses by Satan and asks him about that knowledge. Satan says about the “Fruit of Forbidden” and also says to eat that to become more knowledgeable like Goddess. After a long force and the temptation finally Eve eats that fruit and she also tells Adam to eat this fruit. In a opposite to God’s command both eat fruit and fall into a deep sleep. The matter here is not for LOVE but for LOST.
  “Paradise lost” is gone and its place becomes guilt, shame and blame. “Paradise “has ended, the Earth has begun.!

 Critical Comments on Book IX:-

*   The “Paradise lost” from Milton, a simple story from “Bible” but Milton wrote it in very deep and long way.
*  In that epic all basic views are related with Christian religion.
*   After learning the character of Eve, there is a matter of “Feminism” because there is injustice with Eve while the scene of punishment.
*   Why God has created the tree of knowledge if the fruit of knowledge is not for eat?
*  It is also big question in this epic.
*  Here Satan’s character is more powerful than Adam, so he is antagonist and Adam is Protagonist of this epic.
*  After creating Eve and Adam “God feels proud” is a satire.
*   In this epic Satan as a tragic, evil person also changed when he saw beauty of Eve. Sometimes beauty makes man mad, so Eve’s beauty is also powerful.
*  Some question’s answers are not given by Milton in this epic. So there is a limitation in the work of Milton.

Thank you :)